Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Curriculum Takes Shape

There are so many good Christian curriculum choices to choose from, it's hard to narrow it down... unless you are hampered by a less than plush savings. So, here are my top curriculum choices that I had to figure out how to afford:

  • My Father's World: a really stellar system that can be used by more than one child. All you have to do is buy extra work books for each extra child. It is very extensive and covers all the subjects in a Christian manner. Proceeds of all purchases goes towards missions work, which is nice to know that my money would go toward children learning in a Godly way. The price wasn't too bad (if you go to the link, you will see the prices), but still up there when I wanted to add art and a few extra readers. 
  • Sonlight: I LOVE this curriculum! It has EVERYTHING! They also are amazing in that they do not charge interest if you need a payment plan. It is the most expensive curriculum of the ones I looked at though, which was disheartening. I had an offer to help pay, but I felt like, this first year trying out homeschool, I didn't want a hefty price tag attached. Still, if you can afford it, it would be so worth it. If this school year is a success and my children aren't thoroughly bored by me, my goal is to go for the Sonlight curriculum. 
  • Rainbow Resource Center: This has been my saving grace for finding text books that don't cost an arm and a leg and they are a Christian based company. I was able to easily find, very good workbooks for math, reading, and vocabulary, but finding a decent science book and workbook are hard to get that are Christian and follow our belief in creation. The same difficulty is there in finding a history book that hasn't been cooked by the socialist loving left (no. Jefferson did NOT host the first of "many" iftars at the Whitehouse). This was my final search before giving in and purchasing a rather expensive program to satisfy these classes. They are also the last books/workbooks I am waiting for in the mail. I also went through the local Borders and got some great workbooks that were deeply discounted. Online, there are so many homeschooling resources, it boggles the mind!

I am excited, and a little nervous too. I want them to love learning again. They both loved kindergarten (thank you Mrs. Caston!) and Connor loved first grade (thank you Mrs. Goldstein!) and had a great support with his diabetes (WE LOVE NURSE DONNA!), but Russell suffered in first grade with a less than compassionate teacher and while second grade was better, I found he struggled more than ever with focus. So the challenge is to bring back the fun. I am hoping the extra things I have planned will do that. First day of school is September 1st! Wish me luck!

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